One of Scotland’s Clockwork Orange trains is set for a final journey to a school 500 yards from its rail depot – which will see it saved from the scrapyard.
Campaigners are trying to save around 20 of the old Glasgow Subway carriages which will otherwise be destroyed next month.
Now Ibrox Primary School, a minute’s journey from the Underground’s depot, is in talks to acquire one for its playground.
Headteacher Fiona Young said: ‘This is such an exciting and unusual opportunity for us.
'The old trains are such a familiar sight to us and it could make a really innovative learning space.
‘It would be something which I think would fascinate the children.
'There are so many opportunities and it could be used as an outdoor teaching area, a library or social space for the children.
‘We are located very near one of the underground stations, and the Subway is something which everyone associated with the school is very familiar with.’
It’s understood a crowdfunding campaign will be launched this week by the school’s Parent Council to raise around £5,000 required for crane hire and to position the carriage in the playground.
So far, only one carriage has been preserved, Car 128 which is now on display at Glasgow’s Riverside transport museum.
The remainder were acquired by Swiss-based Stadler as part of the deal to supply new trains now running below the city streets.
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